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Bas-Relief “Greek philosophers”. 34x9x4cm

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High quality Reproduction made of reconstituted marble (marble powder and Cronolita). Aging patina with natural stones, to give the piece an antique look.
Bas-relief representing six heads of Greek philosophers from classical antiquity:
  • Socrates (470 B.C. – 399 B.C.), the Athenian philosopher, left nothing written, his philosophical method was mayeutic, using dialogue to arrive at a truth. He was Plato’s teacher, in 399 BC the Assembly of Athens condemned him to death by poisoning with hemlock.
  • Plato (427 B.C. – 347 B.C.) is considered to be one of the two founders of Western philosophy, together with his disciple Aristotle. He left his philosophy in writing in the form of dialogues, of which The Republic is one of the most important. Founder of the Academy, his influence extends to the present day.
  • Anaxagoras (500 BC – 428 BC), a pre-Socratic philosopher, conceived of the elementary units that make up matter, was accused of impiety and exiled from Athens after claiming that the sun was a sphere of burning metal.
  • Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC), the other great philosopher considered to be the Father of Western Philosophy, along with his teacher Plato. He was Alexander the Great’s teacher and wrote on many subjects, including ethics, political philosophy, logic, metaphysics, physics, biology and astronomy.
  • Xenocrates (396 B.C. – 314 B.C.), a disciple of Plato, led the Academy after Plato’s successor, Speusippus, was a teacher to Zeno of Cythia, the founder of Stoicism, and to Epicurus.
  • Heraclitus (535 B.C. – 470 B.C.), together with Parmenides, is considered to be one of the founders of moral philosophy, dialectics and metaphysics. Among his teachings is his conception of a Cosmos in motion (“Panta rhei”, “Everything flows”).
  • Epicurus (342 B.C. – 270 B.C.), founder of Epicureanism, his philosophy was based on the search for pleasure and the rejection of pain, understanding spiritual pleasure as superior to the pleasure of the body, and seeking the right way.


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