Reproduction of a relief of ancient Rome. Made of stucco. Piece made with special gypsum and iron oxides. 100% natural materials.
Not suitable for outdoors.
Measurements: Height: 50 cm. Width: 20 cm. Depth: 12 cm.
Relief of Dios Vulcan (Hefestos in Greece).
Vulcan is the God of fire and the forge, as well as blacksmiths, artisans, sculptors, metals and metallurgy. It was worshipped as Hephaestus in all industrial and manufacturing centres of Greece, particularly in Athens. His equivalent in Roman mythology was Vulcan, in the Japanese Kagutsuchi, the Egyptian Ptah and the Indian Agni.
Hephaestus was rather ugly, and crippled and lame. Even the myth says that, at birth, Hera it was so ugly that it pulled the Olympians and caused him a limp. So much so, that he walked with the aid of a stick and, on some painted vessels, their feet sometimes appear upside down. Art, represents him lame, sweaty, with the scruffy beard and chest discovered, leaning on his anvil, often working at his forge.
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