In our opinion, there are two ways of approaching Art History: one rational way of approaching the knowledge of cultures, their historical contexts, their values, as well as their artists, their biographies, their works and styles, a way that allows us to understand art in each time; the other way of approaching Art History would be the contemplative way, which puts us in contact with its essence, awakening our aesthetic sensibility. Both ways and purposes complement each other, as feelings and ideas do in our lives, as both hemispheres of the brain do, as poetry and science do. We tend to love more that which, when we know it, approaches us and makes us close.
It is not our intention to make a new encyclopaedia of art, there are already real jewels in this field. We simply want, knowing the love that the friends of decorating you process especially to the classic art, to offer a page that approaches us a little to the contexts, history and evolution of the Art through the time.
Pages of History of Art
El arte en los períodos de la piedra y del bronce. Salomón Reinach. (APOLO, Hª general de las artes)
Vida cotidiana en el antiguo Egipto
El Arte griego antes de Fidias. Salomón Reinach. (APOLO, Historia general de las artes plásticas)
Fidias y el Partenón. Salomón Reinach. (APOLO, Historia general de las artes plásticas)
Las artes menores en Grecia. Salomón Reinach. (APOLO, Historia general de las artes plásticas)
Vida cotidiana en la antigua Grecia
Las arquitecturas románica y gótica. Salomón Reinach. (APOLO, Historia general de las artes plástica
Venus a lo largo de la Historia del Arte