If we want to make a trip to Moscow, we can’t miss the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. A museum that was opened in 1912 and created by the philologist Ivan Vladimir Tsvetayev, son of the historian Dmitry Ilovaiski and father of the poet Marina Tsvetayeva. According to some citizens it was created for educational purposes. The professor’s intention was to create a space where Art and Beauty could be appreciated by all those who had no possibility to travel to so many special places where the great works of Art of the World are.
In its rooms we will find magnificent reproductions of the great works of the world, authentic collections with more than 560,000 pieces. It contains everything from painting, ceramics, sculpture, reliefs, bronzes, etc. A walk through its rooms lets us to immerse ourselves in Greece, Rome, Egypt, appreciate its Art, contemplate Michelangelo’s David or Pietà , a little piece of the Parthenon, accompany the Auriga of Delphi, or imagine that we are sailing on the bow next to the Victory of Samothrace, impressive! To perceive the aroma of what were those moments when the wine was poured into an enocoe. Appreciating the Egyptian amulets in lapis lazuli or emerald, perceiving the majesty and mystery of an Egyptian sarcophagus and appreciating the cleanliness and colour of its paintings, Rembrandt, Zurbarán, Murillo, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Renoir, Picasso… so many sensations that are unspeakable. From Decorarconarte we want to pay tribute to this fantastic initiative that was developed to bring art and beauty closer to all citizens. We invite you to visit it, we did it and it is a pleasant adventure.
Sphinx of Pharaoh Amenhotep II made of sandstone. Height. 42cm; dl. pedestal 80cm, Photo taken in Room 1. The Art of Ancient Egypt The statues of Amenhotep the priest of the god Amon and Ranna the singer of the god Amon Hercules from the eastern pediment of the temple of Afaya, Aegina. The pediments of the temple of Athena are made of Paros marble and are considered to be the most beautiful examples of sculpture from the transition between the archaic and classical periods. Photo taken in the Hall â„–16 of the Main Building in Voljonka Street, of the State Museum of Fine Arts. In the background is the wounded Amazon, which was attributed to Polyclitus. The soldiers on the west gable of the temple of Afaya, Egina. The pediments of the temple of Athena are made of Paros marble and are considered to be the most beautiful examples of sculpture from the transition between the archaic and classical periods. Photo taken in the Hall â„–16 of the Main Building in Voljonka Street, of the State Museum of Fine Arts. The Doriforum is a remarkable sculpture by Polyclitus, which was made between 450 and 440 BC. Augustus of Prima Porta. The young Octavian became heir to Julius Caesar after his assassination in 44 BC. This is a life-size copy of the Capitoline Wolf or Luperca found in the Capitoline Museums. Sculptural group of the Ganymede Rapture, the original of this copy is in the Vatican Museums. Sculptural group of the so-called “Farnese Bull”, measuring 370 cm, the original of this copy is in the Archaeological Museum of Naples and is dated to 130 BC. GALO LUDOVISI. 230 B.C. M. Baths. School of Pergamon. Pyramidal structure. The Gaul commits suicide after killing his wife. It contrasts his muscular power against her laxity. Venus of Milo